Is Spiritual Warfare Real?

Two Opposing Kingdoms

Spiritual Warfare is warfare which is taking place in the supernatural realm, but how do we know such a thing exists?

Let’s go back to real basics; what is a lie?

Most people think there are three types of lies; a “white” lie, where you say something which is not true, but in doing so it protects someone else from upset.

Next, is when you don’t tell the “whole” truth.  You feel you are not actually telling a lie, because you have told the recipient enough to establish the information they need, but if you had told the “whole” truth, it would have put the subject in a different light, which would almost certainly have them make a different decision.

So you have lied “by omission”.  You knew had you told the “whole” truth it would have revealed a situation which was bad for you, or would have made them think less of you.

Thirdly you just tell an outright lie, because you do not want something about you exposed, and you have no conscience about telling such a lie.

Most people would say number three was a lie, and one and two were just different variation of the truth. Well that is not so….a lie is a lie.

The “white” lie might be where as a boy you told your mother you had done your home-work [so you could go a play ball with your friends] knowing you will be able to do your home-work on your way to school the next day.  You think no harm is done because you Mum of OK with the situation [as she understands it], your home-work is done for school the next day, and you got to play ball.

What if your Mum checks in your room to get your dirty sports gear for washing and finds your home-work not even started laying on your bed?

Now what you thought was going to be an innocent subterfuge has created a situation, where you have a blazing row with your Mum when you return home, but more than that your Mum is heartbroken to find you are prepared to tell lies in your own best interest.  She will question [in her mind] every answer you give her in the future, and you have now lost the trust of your mother.

Perhaps you are in a work situation, where you and the guys with you have had a hard stressful day, and they suggest going for a “quick” drink on the way home.

When you arrive home, your wife asks why you are later than usual and you say it was a hard day at work. That’s fine you did have a hard day at work, but the reason you were later home was not because of the hard day but because you went for a drink.  You think you didn’t lie, but you didn’t tell the “whole” truth [you lied by omission].

Your wife would not have minded you going for a drink, but you thought she would have been upset thinking you were “enjoying” the drink when in fact you only agreed to go for a drink because of peer pressure.

When your wife finds out you went for a drink  she is actually more upset that you lied to her, than the fact your had the drink, because now she can’t trust you and will question every answer you give her, but also she might start thinking you are a “secret” drinker or could be alcoholic.

An outright lie is usually for self preservation or when you don’t want to face the responsibility of your actions.

It’s recorded in the Bible where one of Jesus’ closest of disciples,  Peter told lies.

Jesus had been arrested just prior to his crucifixion and Peter was recognised on three separate occasions as “being one of them” who was with Jesus.  Not wanting to suffer at the hands of the Romans he denied being one of Jesus’ disciples.

Perhaps you had an accident in your car or maybe in a moment of madness stole something, but when questioned plainly refused to accept responsibility for your actions, and lied to avoid prosecution. You were fully aware of what you were doing when you lied, and knew it was WRONG.

How did you know that “outright” lie was wrong, because of the spirit within you making you aware of your wrong doing?   When your spirit “pricks” your conscience about a lie there is another “spirit” which tries to tell your conscience it was OK.

The accident in your car would have cost you an insurance claim and perhaps the loss of your driver’s license.  The item you stole was “no big deal” as the person you stole from had more or could easily afford to get another.

You have this “battle” inside you, with your spirit telling you it was wrong, and the other spirit justifying “it might have been wrong but it saved you from a greater consequence”

However when you really think about “white” lies and lies by omission fall right into the same category as “outright” lies and your spirit tells you so.

The Spirit Realm

We have established that everyone knows there is RIGHT and WRONG, which means we also recognise there is GOOD and BAD. How do we know that… the spirit within us?

So spiritual warfare is a war of spirits; one within you with knows instinctively when you do wrong or lie. That  spirit which pricks your conscience when making a decision about what is GOOD or BAD, or RIGHT from WRONG, is born within you.

The other spirit which is trying to appease you when you have done wrong, but is trying to override your conscience must be a BAD spirit as it’s trying to convince you that doing wrong is OK.  That spirit, the evil spirit has to have its origins in SATAN.

We know all evil is associated with Satan.  Some would believe good spirits must be an association with God. For those who do not believe there is a God, they cannot possibly believe there is Satan, but no God. If there is no God, there would only be evil and everything on Earth would be evil, and we know that is not true.

Spiritual warfare is the battle which is taking place in the heavens between Satan’s cohorts, and God’s supernatural warriors, with the only way of communication to you being through the spirit or spirits within you.

This is acknowledge throughout all the world; in films there is good vs evil, books portray good vs evil, TV and stage productions  are about good vs evil, even in sport, politics and just about everything around us is the battle between good vs evil.

How does this affect me?

Spiritual warfare has to take place somewhere, we know it’s not visible, so it’s an invisible force, which connects with us through our conscience and our inbuilt  spirit, [from birth] which gives us discernment to know good from evil.

If we imagine a scale like this;

(Minus-) BAD-5-4-3-2-1-0+1+2+3+4+5+GOOD (+Plus)

We start in life at Zero, and at a very early age [perhaps even as young as a few months] learn that if we cry we will get attention and/or food. The more we cry the more attention we get. Is that something bad within us?

Some would say that’s just nature. OK we grow older and become a toddler, and soon we learn that if we cry we get cuddles and attention, and if we throw a tantrum, we get scalded, but if we increase the level of screaming and kicking, we usually get a bribe to stop us….perhaps sweets or a toy.

Having established if we have a tantrum we get a toy, we throw an even bigger tantrum, so we get an even bigger or better toy.

Having now established we have a means of control, and anytime we want attention we cry, and when we want a toy we have a tantrum. We are controlling our parents and we have not even yet started school.

So are tantrums on our scale GOOD or BAD?

Satan wants as many people under his control as possible, and starting in the first few years of life must be for Satan a good place to start?

There is something within the child who is using tantrums as a means of control or any kind of rebelliousness to continue into their teens, so why not continue that control into adulthood?

The “good” spirit within all of us will not kick in until the age of understanding, which by that time the rebellious [bad] spirit has already had almost 10 years start. By then we have learned how control and a few lies we can enable us to achieve whatever we want.

By the time our “good” spirit kicks in, lies and deception have already become a way of life, and we are moving down the Good vs Bad scale on the minus side with BAD having the advantage.   Satan is now well in control of the spiritual war in your life, in fact it’s now a breeze for him, as all he has to do is keep you “on his side”.

As a teen you can show all your friends how much in control you are. Back chat to a Teacher brings laughter to your class mates; you gain more control and recognition too.

You increase notoriety by smoking under age, and perhaps having sex underage too.

This increases your status as most teens love a bad boy, because it’s a symbol of how they resent their parents, and would love to be as bad as you.

Satan now has you almost to minus -5 on the bad boy scale. If he could just get you into crime, drugs or alcohol he would have scored a home run in your life. In bondage until you die.

The spiritual war is won…or is it?

By your 30s the evil spirit in you has had you in bondage for more than 20 years, but although your good spirit had a slow start it’s starting to fight back.

It pricks you conscience more when you do wrong, and although the evil spirit in you quickly quenches any pangs of conscience, those pangs keep coming back.

Before long you decide it’s time to turn your life around, and want to get back up the “good” side of the Good vs Evil scale, you would like to be a plus+5 and not a minus-5.

You start doing good things, helping charities, helping friends, and maybe even becoming a Christian!

Soon you are respected in society, you have a good job or business, you donate to charity, you attend church, you start to feel good about yourself, and your Bank balance is not too bad either.

Spiritual warfare steps up a gear.

Satan now has a real challenge on his hands, as you are enjoying your new found fame and prosperity too much to be easily seduced back to minus-5 again.

He has to be more subtle, if he could get you to;

  • Fudge the figures on your expenses claims.
  • Declare some income but not all on your Tax Return.
  • Work fewer hours than you are paid for.
  • Take extended lunch breaks.
  • Claim some benefits you are not entitled to.
  • Have a lower than right insurance cover on your car.
  • Forget to renew your TV license for a few months.
  • Pass on some stock from work to your mates.
  • Do part time work for cash.
  • Get the VAT off you bills by paying cash.

After all “everybody does this” so it’s not really bad, just like a “white” lie, it doesn’t do any harm, and it will improve your Bank balance and status when you brag to you mates about what you are doing.

Satan is back in the winning seat again, he has pulled you right back into his territory, and you are heading down the minus scale, and DON’T EVEN REALISE IT!

A few years later your spirit is pricking you conscience enough for you to think about stopping all the “fiddles” in your life.  Wow…up jumps Satan he thought he had you for life, now he has to act fast.

“If you confess to the Tax Man he will claim 7 years back tax”

“If your Boss finds out you will be fired, and prosecuted”

“Without your benefits you won’t be able to pay your rent”

“You could be jailed for fraud over your expenses”

“You will lose all your friends if it hits the papers”

And the final whisper from Satan’s evil spirit is; “You got away with it for so long, and the consequences of confession are so catastrophic, you are better keeping quiet and keeping your head down”

Now the heavy weapons.

To make sure you are completely enslaved, Satan now brings in his heavy weapons.

First are addictions; the most effective is pornography, then tobacco, and alcohol, and finally gossip or tale telling.

The picture of someone chatting with a friend over a glass of wine, with a cigarette, is like a master-piece to Satan, because those friends will almost certainly be talking bad about another “friend”.

A few guys outside a bar, with cans of beer, smoking, and talking about another “friends” wife, and how loose her morals are, is another situation which brings music to Satan’s ears.

Occult is one of Satan’s most powerful weapons.  Ouija boards, spiritualist, mediums, fortune tellers, hypnotists, horoscopes, ornaments from countries associated with witchcraft, witches, [white or black] these all come under the occult.

If Satan has not enslaved you with the “white” lies, then the final three heavy weapons will most certainly have you as a slave to Satan for the rest of your life.

The spirit within you longs to regain control, but now you are LOST into SATAN hands FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

Spiritual Warfare is REAL, and it’s happening now.

To be in SATAN’S clutches has consequence. All those years ago, as a child you told “white” lies to escape the responsibility, and consequences of your actions, and now you will have to pay the price.

The truth revealed, & how to escape the clutches of Satan